Monday, May 26, 2014

Mrs Hoffman's Healthy Stir Fry

My Home Economics teacher commented, that she would like the recipe, on one of my face book posts. This is especially for her.

At the same time, I would like to take a moment, to thank her, for the blessing she has been, in my life.

Through her teachings, she laid the foundation, not only for my cooking, but my sewing, and home building skills, too! I think of her, often; whether it be cooking or sewing. The skills I learned in her class will last my life time, and be passed on to future generations.

To say, "Thank you, Mrs Hoffman." is not enough. I hope she knows what an important person, and extraordinary teacher she is.

This recipe starts with Bulgur, that has been prepared. Click the link to learn how to make it. 

An assortment of vegetables has been prepped. From 12 O'clock we have: celery, red bell pepper, yams (microwaved), jalapeno, cabbage, red onion, green bell pepper, zucchini, and carrot. 

You are not limited by these choices. It happened to be what I had on hand.

The only thing you need to be concerned with, is having everything ready to go! Stir frying is a quick cooking method, and from this point, everything needs to move fast. 

I've heated the griddle to medium - high, or about 375, and have given it a light coat of olive oil. You may use a wok, if that is your preference.

The vegetables are sprinkled with Righteous Seasoning. Just click the link to see what that is made up of. Cook the vegetables for a couple of minutes, to al dente. I don't like over cooked vegetables.

Make room for the Bulgur. Add about a teaspoon of olive oil to the griddle.

Put the Bulgur right over the oil, and let it cook a minute.

Then stir the Bulgur into the vegetables, another minute or so.

Served like this.

Or paired with your favorite meat. This dish is guaranteed an A+ in my book!


Olive oil to coat cooking surface
1 Cup assorted mixed vegetables, prepared
Sprinkle Righteous Seasoning, (see recipe)
1 Teaspoon olive oil
2/3 Cup cooked Bulgur, (see recipe)

Heat wok, or griddle, to medium high heat. Coat with olive oil. Stir fry mixed vegetables, seasoning with Righteous Seasoning; until al dente. Push vegetables to the side; making room to stir fry the bulgur. To the wok, or griddle, add olive oil. Place bulgur on top of oil. Let bulgur fry for a minute, then stir, to incorporate the vegetables. Makes 1 serving.

VEGETABLE SUGGESTIONS:  Onion, celery, carrot, bell pepper, sweet potatoes, yams (microwave), jalapeno, peas, snow peas, zucchini, green beans, bean sprouts, mushrooms, zucchini, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, etc.

Tips:  This is a quick cooking process. It is important to have all ingredients prepped. Do not overcrowd the pan, as you will go from frying to steaming. Cook 1 or 2 servings at a time.

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