Sunday, July 6, 2014

Crock Pot Rice Pudding

My Grandmother made Rice Pudding, all the time! It was a comfort food to her. Although, I know it is not comforting to stand at the stove for three hours, constantly stirring a pot of pudding.

I think, I tried to make Rice Pudding Grandma's way, one time. I recall pulling a chair up to the stove, and stirring away. By the time the pudding was done, I didn't care anymore. I was over it! I didn't find the payoff worth the amount of effort put forth. Soon, I found myself cheating, by adding corn starch, to thicken the pudding. Grandma turned her nose at that when I told her.

So, wanting an old fashioned pudding, that Grandma would approve of, I set out to make this recipe the best that it can be, with minimal effort. I am sad, that Grandma is no longer here, but I'm sure she would give this recipe her stamp of approval.

We are breaking tradition, and utilizing the crock pot. Just grease the bottom, of the crock, with a couple tablespoons of butter. 

Whisk the pudding ingredients, in a large mixing bowl; until the sugar has dissolved.

Notice the recipe only calls for 1/4 cup of rice, per 4 cups of milk. This is how we make creamy Rice Pudding, folks! This is why I develop my own recipes. Most recipes I come across have way too much rice in them! I want decadent, creamy rice pudding.

* A note about the milk and cream. If you don't want to use the cream, that is fine, leave it out. Just increase the milk to 4 cups. You can use reduced fat milk, but your chances of the milk separating increase. I haven't experimented with almond milk and the like.

Pour your pudding mixture into the crock. Then cover with a towel, a double layer of aluminum foil, and the lid. This reduces the amount of moisture allowed back into the crock.

The heat setting is just a little past medium high. Full heat will scorch, so we want to kick the heat back just a little.

I've tested this recipe numerous times. Per my Westbend crock pot, at 1:45 minutes, I stir in the raisins. You should have the same results with the standard crock pot. The rice will be done, yet still quite milky.

This is the most important part of the instructions: Once the raisins are added, the mixture starts to thicken and caramelize. You want to stir the pudding every 10 minutes. It shouldn't take more than 2 or 3 times, until the pudding has reached it's consistency.

The beauty of this recipe is you only have to stir 3 or 4 times. Total! I know; you can thank me later!

The pudding will be the consistency of a thinned pancake batter, or sausage gravy. It will continue to thicken, as it cools.

Transfer the pudding to a bowl, then cover with plastic wrap. Make sure the wrap sits directly on the pudding, to prevent moisture, or a skin forming on the pudding. Of course, you could eat the pudding warm, but I prefer it chilled. 

Refrigerate for several hours; until completely chilled.  Notice how much it has thickened? Grandma would be so proud!

Old fashioned rice pudding, made for today's busy world. Enjoy!


2 Tablespoons butter
1/4 Cup white rice (cheap brand is fine, or Uncle Ben's converted long grain)
1/3 Cup sugar
3 1/2 Cups whole milk
1/2 Cup heavy whipping cream

Coat crock pot with butter. Combine remaining ingredients in a large mixing bowl. Stir until sugar dissolves. Pour into crock. Cover crock with a kitchen towel, double layer of aluminum foil, and the lid. Set the heat to just a notch above medium high heat. Cook for 1 hour and 45 minutes; then stir in raisins. Cover, and continue stirring every 10 minutes, until pudding has reached the consistency of a thinned pancake batter. Should not take more than 20 to 30 minutes. Transfer pudding to a bowl. Cover with a sheet of plastic wrap; making sure plastic sits directly on the pudding. Chill completely. Pudding will thicken as it cools. Makes 3 1/2 cups. 

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