Thursday, September 12, 2013

How To Make Ground Turkey Taste Like Ground Beef

This tutorial, on making ground turkey taste like beef, is the most viewed post on this blog. Seems people like healthy eating, and that is a good thing! While I've used that recipe for many years, I have now changed it.

Why the change? I was poking around on my pinterest boards, when I noticed someone pinned the original recipe. She tried it, then posted it under one of her boards, titled something to the effect, recipes that were not that good. Right away, I knew I had to improve it. I mean, I can't have someone not like my recipes.

I am not one to get sensitive over criticism. Back in high school, a dear classmate taught me that it was okay to accept constructive criticism. From that, we learn to better ourselves. It was a lesson well received. You see, this lady wasn't saying I was a bad person, or that she didn't like me. What she was saying, was the recipe wasn't great. So with that in mind, I set out to make this recipe the best that it can be. I hope you like it as much as I do.

I only use lean ground turkey. I think this brand is readily available, but I happen to find the best price at Sam's Club, at  $2.39 per pound!

All you have to do, is add 1 tablespoon of Kitchen Bouquet Browning & Seasoning Sauce per 1 pound of ground turkey.

Then incorporate the Kitchen Bouquet into the meat. Now, this is to give the turkey the flavor of beef. So, before you begin any recipe, you will do this, then continue on with your recipe, by adding the required seasoning ingredients.

To crumble, just give your cooking surface a coat of oil.

And cook up, as you would ground beef. You are going to need to season it, as you would beef. So if you just want ground beef, add a little salt and pepper. Or better yet, follow the recipe that you intend on making.

I like the coloring and caramelization that the Kitchen Bouquet gives to the meat. I really could not tell that it was ground turkey.

* I've been tinkering with the recipe, and have tested this out for the last 6 months. If you want to make your ground turkey taste even beefier, do this:

Head on over, to your local Asian grocery store. If you don't have one, then try Amazon. Pick up a package of dried mushrooms.

Using your spice blender, grind the dried mushrooms, to a fine powder. Use 1 Tablespoon ground mushroom powder, per pound of meat. 

So there you have it. Two great beef tasting options. If you don't have the mushroom powder, no worries. The ground turkey will still taste like beef. If you really want to amp the beef flavor, just add the powder. 


1 Pound ground turkey
1 Tablespoon Kitchen Bouquet Browning & Seasoning Sauce

1 Tablespoon ground mushroom powder 

In a medium sized mixing bowl, combine Kitchen Bouquet Browning Liquid into the ground turkey. Use this meat mixture as you would ground beef, per your recipe instructions. 

Now that you know how to season the ground turkey, to taste like ground beef, let me direct you to a great tasting Sloppy Joe recipe, using this technique. Just click the link. Catherine's Hamburger BBQ

If a burger is more to your liking, learn how to make Turkey Burger Patties. No more bland, dry turkey burgers!


  1. Right on!! Good tips! I switched to ground turkey many years ago as well. It took some time to make the complete switch. We would cook with 1/2 gr beef and 1/2 gr turkey, and little by little we were 100% turkey.
    I find gr turkey breast to be more difficult to cook with because it is so dry, but these tips are very good advice.
    Switching from beef to turkey is not like going vegan! You are on point when you say you have switched to a leaner, healthier option!
    I have an additional tip you might consider...adding veggies. When I am going to cook up gr turkey for spaghetti or tacos, or something similar, I often will spray the pan with cooking spray, sautee onions, peppers, garlic and then add the turkey. I often will grate in potato, zucchini, etc to add some moisture and bulk without adding fat. It make it delicioso!

    1. I add 1/2 cup unsweetened applesauce to 1# ground turkey to make it moist.

  2. Thanks for sharing a great way of transitioning to ground turkey. I am glad you stuck with it, and are now reaping the benefits of healthy eating. You are right, this is not like going vegan. I tried a week of that. It was hard work, but in all honestly, I felt more energized and healthier. I would like to make a comparison, since you brought up vegan. In the way that tofu is able to absorb spices, I would say that ground turkey is the same. It can be manipulated, to take on different flavors, using a variety of spices, and as you pointed out, vegetables.

  3. I am cooking a turkey burger on the grill right now!

    1. Do you have to do anything to help the Burger stay formed? First ones I made didn't want to stay in patty form?

  4. Had to comment on this recipe and you as a blogger. It's so refreshing to see someone give an honest and thoughtful post about something where so many similar 'bloggers' fall short.

    Recipe searches are one of the most common of internet inquiries. Whether it's someone looking for a healthier option, as in this post substituting a leaner healthier white meat for the less healthy red meat.. yet creating similar tastes to what you would get with red meat.

    Or others that may be looking low-carb , low-sodium, gluten-free etc. And still more may just want to get that fast food taste at home in a healthier version by looking for a copycat recipe from their favorite restaurant.

    Regardless.. in almost every case the creators of said recipe are very defensive of their 'art' they won't tolerate critiques, rarely entertain questions if it falls along the lines of 'improving' the dish and even delete replies they feel are negative just because the person replying didn't think they quite hit the mark.

    In a world of online recipe's and wannabe Gordon Ramsay's this stands out to me. Your words in the description of how you saw it as constructive criticism and not necessarily putting you down and only drove you to want to improve versus so many other recipe contributers seemingly writing the common folk off with a "well you just don't understand true gastronomy, cause I think it's delicious" means a lot.

    I have used this recipe to help with Ground Turkey as a faux beef for over 2 years now and still is my favorite.


  5. kingcd, Wow! Some days I wonder why I even blog. It certainly is time consuming, and you wonder who is reading. Then a post, like yours, comes along and I know that it's worthwhile.

  6. My boyfriend was told by his doctor to start eating lean meats and less red meat. He thinks ground turkey looks gross and won't even entertain trying it.
    With your recipe, I have successfully tricked him into eating "ground beef" tacos and enchiladas on 3 separate occasions! And he has loved every meal so far. This recipe is literally a life saver! <3

    1. Thanks for the helpful comment. I'm desperate to find ways to make my turkey look and taste like beef. When doing burger patties do you need to use a binder?

    2. Yes my husband doctor told him to eat turkey , chicken and fish because he has a severe liver problems so thanks for putting up this blog

    3. You are welcome. Best of health, to your husband.

  7. We're just learning to cook with ground turkey instead of ground beef. Of all the things we've tried using your idea tastes best! It's a keeper for us. Thanks!

  8. I can’t wait to try this. I’ve been using ground turkey for a long while now, but sometimes I want the ground beef flavor for burgers or tacos, so I bought this seasoning today.

  9. Has anyone tired this with ground pork? Will the pork taste like beef? Will be anxiously awaiting someone's response

    1. When I make meatloaf, I use a Pork/Turkey blend. The turkey is always fortified with Kitchen Bouquet. I’ve never fortified Pork only. I was curious, and made a Teriyaki Burger, using 1/2 pound fresh ground pork, and 1 Teaspoon Kitchen Bouquet. I also added Righteous Seasoning (search this blog for the recipe). I already knew I would like this, because I eat Pork. The real test would have to be if my husband liked it, as he is the beef eater. I didn’t put any Teriyaki sauce on his burger, so he could taste the fortified pork. The result? He liked it! He said you could get a slight taste of pork, at the end. I would agree. The Kitchen Bouquet brought depth to the Pork, and you felt you were eating something more meaty. It also gave a nice coloring, and the pork patty looked just like a hamburger patty. Next time I would use 1 1/4 Teaspoon Kitchen Bouquet, Per 1/2 pound pork. Your turn! Try this and let us know how liked it.

    2. Thanks so much for your reply. I live in Southeast Asia at this time, and Kitchen Bouquet is nowhere to be found. Am now searching the net if anyone has a recipe to make your own. By chance would you (being so creative) have tried your hand at making your own Kitchen Bouquet???? If and when I find a "make your own" I will give it a try and let you know my thoughts.

  10. Try Maggi Seasoning Sauce. I have seen home made recipes, that involve roasting vegetables, and utilizing the caramelization, from the pan.

    1. I add 1/2 cup unsweetened applesauce to 1# ground turkey to make it moist.

  11. Interesting! I see where that can work.

  12. I have tried this today, and it really worked! The color and flavor were so similar to ground beef. I also added my typical seasoning that I add to ground beef - salt, pepper, cumin, garlic powder, and some Italian seasoning. Great post!!

  13. Thank you! I am so glad this tip is helping you, to enjoy ground turkey.

  14. Thank you!!! Just wish I had thought of googling for this in 2013!! Better late than never!

  15. This looks delcious! And you know me I’m ALL about the fresh produce!!

    Regards: Eve Hunt

  16. I just tried this and it's so great!! I was shocked when I took a bite after the turkey browned in my skillet. I am making sloppy joe's tonight and super impressed. Thank you!!

  17. It really is amazing, how the ground turkey is transformed, to taste like beef. I have a teriffic Sloppy Joe recipe. We call it Catherines Hamburger BBQ, and it is on this site. Thanks for your feedback. It is much appreciated.

  18. Someone asked how to keep the turkey burger patties together. When working with lean turkey breast, the fat component, that you would typically see in 80/20 ground beef is missing. To compensate, for the loss of fat: make sure that your pan, or grill is hot. Also, make sure that your pan has oil on it. If grilling, I always brush oil onto the patties. It helps to make sure your turkey patties don't stick. Another thing, is to make sure your patties are cooked, on the grill side, before flipping. If the patty is sticking to the grill, but you want to flip, just give it another minute. The patty will hold when it has firmed up, from cooking. Always fortify your turkey: per 1 pound of ground turkey breast, add 1 Tablespoon Kitchen Bouquet browning sauce, and 1 Tablespoon ground mushroom powder. The mushroom powder is going to make the turkey beefy, and it is going to hold moisture. No more dry turkey burgers!


  20. Join my facebook page: The Righteous Kitchen. There is a tasty Cilantro Lime Burger, that I was testing, when company showed up. The result? Another great tasting burger recipe!

  21. Please, enuff of physiological babble on helpfull criticism. She didnt have the guts to tell you. She doesnt like you and thinks you are a bad cook.... Probably.

  22. original comment by ONION SLICE Nov 23, 2020 at 5:40 am
    Harold and Eleanor of Boiling Springs, SC, address and phone hidden.
    Please, enuff of physiological babble on helpfull criticism. She didnt have the guts to tell you. She doesnt like you and thinks you are a bad cook.... Probably.
    I decide to copy and paste the rude comment, so my readers can see exactly the person Harold is. He is an internet bully, aka, a keyboard warrior. Eleanore was probably asleep, so Harold came online, to bother a complete stranger, over a recipe! Harold, I'm sorry you felt you had to attack me. I do hope you seek therapy, for your behavior. It really tells about the person you are. I read your blogs. You are lonely. To make friends, you need to start, with being nice! My regards to Eleanore.

  23. I Googled how do you make a turkey burger taste like beef thinking nothing would come up. I was thrilled to find it can happen. I bought kitchen boutique & tried it tonight! The burger was beyond yummy. I have ordered the mushroom powder & hoping it makes it even better! Thank heavens for all the people that share their successful recipes. ���� If you haven't tried this do. Oh fyi: put them on a hot grill & if you let them alone they won't stick. Happy cooking all~

    1. I’m glad you liked the addition, of the Kitchen Bouquet. You are going to love the ground mushroom powder. It gives moisture, and extra beef flavor. Mushroom powder can be expensive. If you have an Asian store, near you, buy dehydrated mushrooms, then grind them. I made a YouTube video, you’ll want to watch. Thanks for posting your feedback. Happy cooking!

  24. This sounds really good. For the mushroom powder version, are you using Kitchen Bouquet and powder or just powder? Thanks for your help!

  25. I use both Kitchen Bouquet, and mushroom powder.

  26. I'm going to make Shepherd's Pie using ground turkey. I use Better than Beef crystals; works well. But I like your suggestions so going with that. Wish me luck. Thank you for recipes.

    1. Please, let us know how you liked the turkey, using kitchen bouquet and mushroom powder.

  27. Fantastic idea and recipe! This helps so much! TY
