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Friday, September 17, 2021

Michelle's Salted Caramel

My daughter and I learned to make salted carmel back in 2014. We haven't bought caramel, from the store, since then! Let me show you how easy it is to make. 

The process goes quickly, so organization is key. You want your ingredients, and utensils in place. Use a larger pan than you think you will need, as the caramel sauce will rise and bubble up, when the dairy is whisked in.

There is no stirring the sugar and water. Keep an eye, on the edge of the pan. You don't want sugar crystals to form. If they do, just brush them with a pastry brush, soaked in water.

Cook the sugar and water to a beautiful amber color. About the color of a copper pan, or a beer bottle. A word of caution, once it starts browning, it will deepen very fast. The deeper the color, it will start to turn bitter. 

Once it reaches the amber color, take it off the heat.

Let's talk about safety, real quick. When you stir in the butter, and cream, it will foam up! I suggest using a larger pan than you think you will need. Also, if you have the pan off the burner, the bubbles won't rise as much. In this demonstration, I am making a double recipe. The bubbles went to the top of the pan, and steam rose up. Just be cautious. I wear oven gloves, when stirring. The bubbles deflate quickly, once the pan, is off the burner. I do have a youtube video demonstration. Check it out, if it's your first time making caramel. Here is the link: Michelle's Salted Caramel

Now stir in the heavy whipping cream. Whisk until caramel is completely smooth.

Pour into mason jars. This is a double recipe, so there are two jars. 

Gently plop a teaspoon of flaked sea salt, into the caramel sauce. Do not stir. Let cool completely. Keep refrigerated.

YouTube demonstration: Michelle's Salted Caramel Sauce



1 Cup Sugar

¼ Cup water

3 Tablespoons butter

¾ Cup heavy whipping cream, slightly heated in the microwave

1  Teaspoon flaked sea salt



Pour sugar and water, in a large heavy bottomed sauce pan. Bring to a boil. Cook sugar to a nice amber color, without getting too dark. Remove from heat, then whisk in butter, and cream, until smooth. The dairy will bubble, but using a large sauce pan helps to keep the sauce from bubbling over. Pour caramel into a mason jar. Let caramel cool slightly. Gently plop in, the flaked sea salt. Keep refrigerated. 


Use as a topping for: pie, ice cream, or cakes. 

Use as a dip: for your favorite fruit, or cookie.

Use as a flavoring: for coffee.


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